Akshay mane - Near Gram Panchayat Umalwad Shirol Maharashtra

I live in a village umalwad. In a window of my house i put 3 pots with water. Everyday i replace this water with fresh water. Sometimes i put some rice, jowar, etc for sparrows.
Every day i wake up at 6 o clock, and firstly i replace the water from pots with fresh water. My house is old house about 100 years old. The walls of my house are made up of from stones and mud. Thats why sparrows are used to built their nets in the small blocks in the wall since i was of 5 years old.
But now a days, sparrows are continuously vanishing or decreasing day by day. I would like to join this community to protect sparrows.

Thanks a lot
Akshay Pramod Mane,
Umalwad 416 101
Kolhapur, Maharashtra