
Displaying 586-590 of 656 result(s).
Arun M K Bharos - Mathpara area of Raipur city Mathpara area of Raipur city Raipur Chhattisgarh

Mathpara is an old city area ,and very much like old turning to new.

In this locality sparrows are always seen and in good numbers , particularly in evening hours when they assemble in 200/300 nos to roost.

In old thatched houses nests upto 5/6 have been seen, which may be many more.

Arun M K Bharos - Sriramnagar, Raipur city Sriram nagar, Raipur city Raipur Chhattisgarh

Ajeet has already reported in earlier reports about assembling of 700/800 sparrows around his residence to roost.
In his garden species is invariably present and drink water from pots placed in compound.

Whenever the Singapur Cherry is in state of Fruiting sparrows come and feed on berries.
Presently two pairs have started nest building activities.

Arun M K Bharos - Rajkumar college area, Raipur city Rajkumar College area, Raipur city Raipur Chhattisgarh

This area is frequently visited and sighting of sparrows recorded, but on 4 May 2012 afternoon , when it was very hot only 3 sparrows could be seen. otherwise if affords good population of more than 150/200 birds, which has been recorded in past 4/5 yrs

Arun M K Bharos - Village Chandkhuri distt Raipur Chandkhuri village Raipur Chhattisgarh

Mr Arora is regular visitor to this village and has recorded good numbers of sparrows more than 100/120, particularly at time of roosting, he also statews reduction in population to the extent of 40% in last 4/5 yrs.Very few birds 3/5 in outer cultivated areas

Occassional nests also reorded in thatched houses in village

Arun M K Bharos - Village Baradera and surroundings Baradera village Raipur Chhattisgarh

Mr Arora regularly visits this village and has reorted regular sighting of sparrows up to 70/100 nos from human habitated areas, but in cultivated and stone crusher areas very poor sightings are recorded, occassionally less than 5 birds
Population has gone down by 30-35 % in this pocket in last 3/4 yrs