
Displaying 596-600 of 656 result(s).
Arun M K Bharos - Forest school campus, Geedam Rd, JAGDALPUR Forest school campus, Geedam Rd, JAGDALPUR Jagdalpur Chhattisgarh

During visit to Jagdalpur on 18/19 August, this campus was visited .Inside the campus not many sparrows were seen , but outside in abadi area 20/25 scattered birds were seen in about 500 stretch.

As per general report the sparrows are decling in Jagdalpur

Arun M K Bharos - Forest Rest House area, Kumharpara ,Jagdalpur Forest Rest House area, Jagdalpur Jagdalpur Chhattisgarh

Jagdalpur & Kangervalley National park was visited on 18/19 August 2011.

In FRH campus & locality 18/20 sparrows were seen in scattered flocks

Arun M K Bharos - Lodhipara area of Raipur city Lodhipara area of Raipur city Raipur Chhattisgarh

On 16 08 2011, as usual more than 40/50 sparrows were seen in the locality. also observed parents feeding a chick

Arun M K Bharos - Sriramnagar, Vill Khamardih, Raipur Sriramnagar, Vill Khamardih, Raipur Raipur Chhattisgarh

Interesting evasive behaviour

Mr Ajeet Bharos , on 10 August 2011 observed, about 40 sparrows congregating on small Accacia arabica tree near his residence.

A shikra prowling in locality saw them , arrived and perched atop the tree, no sooner it perched all the sparrows entered the interior of canopy/ foliage seeking protection.of thorns.

sparrows as well as the shikra , neither of them were prepared to leave the tree, even though Ajeet approached within 20 feet of them. They remained in this state for about 10 minutes, when the patience of the Shikra gave way it flew to other place , thereafter the sparrows became normal and after a minute or so came out.

sparrows congregate in very good numbers to roost here.

Arun M K Bharos - Vill- Thelka, near Abhanpur Vill- Thelka, near Abhanpur Raipur Chhattisgarh

On 31 07 2011 vill Thelka and the nearby waterbody was visited.

In the locality near the tank no sparrows were seen , but in old residential area more than 50/60 sparrows were recorded in smaller flocks perched, in flight . There should be good population as overall bird life is very good in this locality