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Zahid Anjum -
Panihad village Panihad Rajouri Jammu and Kashmir
i love to watch sparrows.I live in city but whenever i used to go my village.I watched a lot of sparrows.Many of them lived in my house.I became very happy to see them.But unfortunately the number of sparrows has decreased over a course of time due to human activities.So when now i go to my village ,i get a little chance to see sparrows.i become so sad and depressed and i think that i have to conserve, protect and preserve nature and natural resources.
i love to watch sparrows.I live in city but whenever i used to go my village.I watched a lot of sparrows.Many of them lived in my house.I became very happy to see them.But unfortunately the number of sparrows has decreased over a course of time due to human activities.So when now i go to my village ,i get a little chance to see sparrows.i become so sad and depressed and i think that i have to conserve, protect and preserve nature and natural resources.