Khaja Rrasool - It is a people location with range of 80 housing appartments which is adjacent to Defence training Kompally Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh

As I was a Birder for a long time and I was a student studying We 4 members in one flat and 6 members in another flat beside to me. Remainings of meal is used to take away by aparrows from kitchen and dining hall. They used to wonder even into bed room for rice. An estimation is done in between 2010 september to 2011 july and recorded 20- 25 sparrows visiting our flat which is located in middest of all flats. The corner flats used to get more than us. We provided some nesting but used to fail due to natural winds because it is in last floor, so we made holes into the wall which is more suitable for the sparrows to nest that can be safer and can resist natural winds and rains and very much suitable for hatching of eggs.