Arun M K Bharos -
Sidhi Sidhi Madhya Pradesh
Sidhi MP.
Dt 21 March 1993 ; House sparrow in long pursuit of a Blue Rock pigeon.
Dt 10 April 1993 ; House sparrow in vigorous pursuit of Jungle Crow , driving it to a distance of about 500 Mts.
Dt 14 May 1993.Around 10 PM, a male sparrows entered my bedroom and was dazed in bright flourescent light, attempted place to perch , in the process noticed insects around light and switched over to aerially capture them. Badly confused , soon left for the adjacent hall, where was joined by female, both hopped here& there and collected insects from floor, for about 40 minuts, then finally settling in a corner.
Sidhi MP.
Dt 21 March 1993 ; House sparrow in long pursuit of a Blue Rock pigeon.
Dt 10 April 1993 ; House sparrow in vigorous pursuit of Jungle Crow , driving it to a distance of about 500 Mts.
Dt 14 May 1993.Around 10 PM, a male sparrows entered my bedroom and was dazed in bright flourescent light, attempted place to perch , in the process noticed insects around light and switched over to aerially capture them. Badly confused , soon left for the adjacent hall, where was joined by female, both hopped here& there and collected insects from floor, for about 40 minuts, then finally settling in a corner.