Arun M K Bharos - Sidhi town Sidhi Madhya Pradesh

Sidhi town

Dt ; 09 Sept 1991 ; A Black Drongo inn vigorous pursuit of a female sparrow.

Dt 20 Sept 1991. Mating pair on streetlight tube, where the female somehow maintained balance during the act, male mounted 5 times.
Dt ; 21 Sept 1991, Female was observed holding a black coloured about 30 mm long caterpillar and flew with it .
Dt ; 28 Sept 1991 ; Mating observed , male mounted 3 times.

Dt ; 29 Sept 1991 ;Three females seen carrying flowers of Babul, Accacia arabica.

Dt ; 29 Sept 1991 ; Four birds amongst a flock going towards roost, repeatedly indulged in aerial combat, performing acrobatics and chirping all the time.