Arun M K Bharos -
Padamnabhpur , Durg. Padmanabhpur Durg Chhattisgarh
Padamnabhpur colony, Durg.
1. Dt ; April 1988, A female arrived and settled on fencing wall, followed by a male , who after waiting for few seconds mounted the female, then mated, 4 mountings.After this male sat by side if female , female still sat squatted and any further attempts to mount were discouraged. Thereafter male started pecking the female with beak, encircling it 3 times, during all this display and to allure , female showed total reluctance and flew away, followed by male.
2.Dt ; 10 April 1990 ; Tulsi, a plant species possessing medicinal value, bears flowers in March and seed in April.
Sparrows were observed feeding on these seed.
Same day a Common Evening Brown Butterfly arrived in compound and was seen by a female sparrow, who tried to capture it, but the Zig- Zag flight of butterfly made it a difficult proposition and finally it failed to capture.
Dt 05 April 1990 ; A subadult male & two subadult female chicks were observed perched on wall. When mother was feeding one of the chicks , a male sparrow arrived and started display preparatory to copulation.In turn female immediately attacked and started striking with beak and drove it away.
Dt 18 April 1990 ; In addition to Tulsi seeds , sparrows were observed feeding on flowers of Portulaca and Button Rose flowers, this was repeatedly done after short intervals of 10-15 minutes
Padamnabhpur colony, Durg.
1. Dt ; April 1988, A female arrived and settled on fencing wall, followed by a male , who after waiting for few seconds mounted the female, then mated, 4 mountings.After this male sat by side if female , female still sat squatted and any further attempts to mount were discouraged. Thereafter male started pecking the female with beak, encircling it 3 times, during all this display and to allure , female showed total reluctance and flew away, followed by male.
2.Dt ; 10 April 1990 ; Tulsi, a plant species possessing medicinal value, bears flowers in March and seed in April.
Sparrows were observed feeding on these seed.
Same day a Common Evening Brown Butterfly arrived in compound and was seen by a female sparrow, who tried to capture it, but the Zig- Zag flight of butterfly made it a difficult proposition and finally it failed to capture.
Dt 05 April 1990 ; A subadult male & two subadult female chicks were observed perched on wall. When mother was feeding one of the chicks , a male sparrow arrived and started display preparatory to copulation.In turn female immediately attacked and started striking with beak and drove it away.
Dt 18 April 1990 ; In addition to Tulsi seeds , sparrows were observed feeding on flowers of Portulaca and Button Rose flowers, this was repeatedly done after short intervals of 10-15 minutes