P Jeganathan - Badvel-Siddavattam main road Kadapa Andhra Pradesh

See below ( the one after Chandrima Home)for the 2000-2004 story of this same population:
In 2005 or 2006 I don't clearly remember the Jasmine creeper was cut down and after that I kept a nest box. Its nothing but a old carton (c.25 cm X c.12 cm) I covered it with a paper so that it does n't open up after the sparrows stuff the nest materials inside. I made a small entrance (c.7X7 cm) and this home was immediately accepted by a pair. Since then I see recruitment's very regularly. And once the eggs hatched the young ones start calling for food. Day by day the intensity of their calling increases and it will be louder. I used to sleep in the next room. I generally go to sleep very late in the night generally and obviously get up also late. But these young ones (2-3) start calling early in the morning and sometimes it used to be so loud that I had to wake up early.
krichikkk...krichikkk.. krichikkk...krichikkk.. krichikkk...krichikkk....non stop...
During this time the parents occasionally enter the room where I sit. If the ceiling fan is on they skilfully manoeuvre themselves away from it. They generally enter this room since there will be cobwebs in the corners of this room and they pick up the spiders from there. I moved out of this place in August 2008. They were there then. I told my friend (house owners son) not to remove that box. Don’t know what happened to them now! Shall call up that guy and inform here.