View Record #10639

Q1. Name of locality or area you are reporting aboutSuramya 3, Palodiya village
Rough Address/AreaSuramya 3- Palodiya village
Location Latitude23.04885674
Location Longitude72.46285248
Q3. What time period are you reporting about?2010-2012
Q4. What kind of general area are you reporting about?Village
Q5. What kind of locality is/was this in the time period chosen above?Other
Q6. Roughly how large is the locality/area from which you are reporting sparrows?500 m to 1 km across (eg, a residential colony, commercial area or small village)
Q7. How well do/did you know this place in the time period chosen above?I lived there
Q8. How frequently did you see House Sparrows in the time period and locality/area chosen above?Occasionally: I saw sparrows several times a month
Q9. When you did see House Sparrows in this time period and locality/area, how many did you typically see?A fair number: When I saw sparrows, there were usually between 5 and 30 birds
Q10. If House Sparrows are/were present in this time period and locality/area, did you observe active nests?Sparrows observed but no nests seen
Q11. Would you like to share a story about House Sparrows from this time period?Shri. Jayesh Shah lives here and he reports occasional sightings of House Sparrows at this location, around 10 house sparrows he sees here...
Q12. What kind of buildings are/were present during this time period in this locality?
Q13. Please describe this locality/area in your words.
Q14. Does or did anyone feed sparrows in this locality/area, or put out nestboxes?
Q15. If this is an agricultural area, what are the main crops grown?
Q16. How much green space exists/existed in this locality?
Q17. If you have seen sparrow nests, where were they?
Q18. When did mobile phone coverage arrive at this locality?