View Record #8514
ID | 8514 |
Q1. Name of locality or area you are reporting about | Padamnabhpur , Durg. |
Rough Address/Area | Padmanabhpur |
City/District | Durg |
State | Chhattisgarh |
Location Latitude | 21.17670250 |
Location Longitude | 81.29509735 |
Q3. What time period are you reporting about? | 1990-1994 |
Q4. What kind of general area are you reporting about? | City (main) |
Q5. What kind of locality is/was this in the time period chosen above? | Old residential area |
Q6. Roughly how large is the locality/area from which you are reporting sparrows? | More than 1 km across (eg, a large village or town) |
Q7. How well do/did you know this place in the time period chosen above? | I lived there |
Q8. How frequently did you see House Sparrows in the time period and locality/area chosen above? | Always: I saw sparrows every day |
Q9. When you did see House Sparrows in this time period and locality/area, how many did you typically see? | A large number: When I saw sparrows, there were usually between 30 and 100 birds |
Q10. If House Sparrows are/were present in this time period and locality/area, did you observe active nests? | Nests seen frequently |
Q11. Would you like to share a story about House Sparrows from this time period? | Padamnabhpur colony, Durg. Dt 16 July 1990.A Female observed chasing a female Paradise Flycatcher. Dt 19 July 1990. A pair of sparrows were observed feeding probably oh partially digested seeds from cow dung, hardly a day old. Dt ; 06 August 1990 ; Nesting material piracy from nest of Common Myna , by a female sparrow. Dt ; 11 Aug 1990 ; Three female sparrows perched on electricity wire, immediately dashed towards a Little Brown DOVE , WHEN IT CAME AND PERCHED CLOSE BY. Dt ; 11 Aug 1990 ; A pair in mating act, male mounting 10 times , 7 failures.During the act another male approached but the mating male drove it away.Later female alighted on ground and indulged in dust bath.Male joined it. Dt ; 20 Aug ; Dust bath by 5/6 sparrows. Dt 24 Aug 1990 ; A female collided with elec wire but managed balance and descended to ground. Dt ; 29 Aug 1990 ; A Little Brown Dove was perched on elec line, no sooner a female sparrow arrived , it chased it away, earlier a female was seen chasing a dove. Dt 26 Nov 1990.;Bath in shallow water pool by 2 sparrows in company of Common Myna. Dt ; 24 Feb 1991 ; A female sparrow in hot pursuit of a male Purple Sunbird. Dt ; 08 Mar 1991 ; A female caught a Grass blue butterfly but it fell on lawn, it was recollected and taken to a sapling and fed to a chick. |
Q12. What kind of buildings are/were present during this time period in this locality? | |
Q13. Please describe this locality/area in your words. | |
Q14. Does or did anyone feed sparrows in this locality/area, or put out nestboxes? | |
Q15. If this is an agricultural area, what are the main crops grown? | |
Q16. How much green space exists/existed in this locality? | |
Q17. If you have seen sparrow nests, where were they? | |
Q18. When did mobile phone coverage arrive at this locality? |